Friday, August 27, 2010


This coming week I think the dollar  will rebound to 89.50/90.00 .

Monday, August 16, 2010

Secrets of being a successful trader

1) Trade with 10% of your account.
2) Put 2-3 % maximum lost per day.
3) Trade with having plan.
4) Have a strategy and stick with your strategy and roles
5) Try you good day be more than bad day.
6) Keep studying and be more educated.
7) Don’t trade emotional
8) Let market tell you the trend (forget what you heard in the news and what firend told or what you feel trend should be follow, you should look at the chart and let the chart tell you the trend)
9) You don’t need to enter to the market when you don’t have any good reason. who told you should trade whenever you log in to your computer? it is ok to not trade some days. I prefer to have 0 profit than $200 lost.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Tuesday 08/10 Predict

USD/JPY trend is bullish and  it will hit 86.40.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Small profit and Huge lost habit

I do not understand why Some traders are very uncomfortable to have a  position which is  in profit so  They cut thier profit very early, But They are so position on their  lost position   and let the lost get  bigger and bigger and They hope the market will  back .
The result of this mistake is That They May have 5 small to HUGE Profits and HUGE  lost That is bigger than the sum of all profit and Their day  end with Huge lost.
How to solve this problem is easy? Have a plan Before  open  any position, you should know When you should  close your position if the trend is favorable and never ever trade  without stop lost.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Thursday Predict

If the price  USD/JPY will drope to less than 86.00 it will keep the trend until hits to 85:20

Trading Role

Trading Role
open position role

1) Before open any position always ask yourself why you are going to open this position, you should have good and reasonable reason for doing that.

2) Before open any position Be sure you have already looked at the calendar be careful trading while a fundamental news is going to publish, if you are not aware of them you will loose lots of money

3) Look at the daily, hourly chart to have a bigger view about the trend, then have a strategy if you want to enter to the market make some money an exit then look at 5 min chart

4) The chart always talk to you try to leasn to them and find the trend, trend is your friend, never try to be against it.

Exit position Role

1) Never trade without stop lost; never accept more that 2-3% lost for a day.

2) When you open a position you should have a target .the target is exit strategy.

3) Don’t leave position over night or over weekend.

The general role.

1) At the beginning of the day put a target profit and maximum lost you can tolerate for that day, after you hit your target, log off from you account and stop trading.

2) If you lose two trades in the row, log off from your account and don't trade for the rest of the day, otherwise probably will lose more money.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ما غربت نشين ها

 ما كه در غربت زندگي ميكنيم سه بار عزيزانمان را از دست ميدهيم يكبار وقتي ترك وطن ميكنيم بار ديگر وقتي خبر مرگشان را مي شنويم و در نهايت وقتي به وطن باز گشته و جاي خالي آنها را ميبينيم.